Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Quick update...

It's been a crazy busy few days, my Sister went into labour in the early hours of Monday 30th Sep. So I spent the day babysitting my nephew Jake at my Parents house.

My sister then ended up having a C-section as new Baby Josh decided to try to come out face first and get stuck. Kirsty then had some complications in surgery but all is fine now and they are set to leave hospital today (Wed).
Baby Josh - A bit battered from the birth

So my plans of scrapping again were postponed but I hope to spend some time tomorrow doing a challenge sketch, so hopefully will have something to share ASAP.

Speak to you soon.....

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Eventful few months....

Well when last I wrote a blog post I fully intended to get back to my crafting on a regular basis but the universe had different plans for me...

I hadn't been feeling well for a long time, always tried and I had put on a bit of weigh but I just put it down to feeling upset about my Dad ( He was told in Feb his Cancer has returned and is inoperable now, so he has had more radiotherapy and chemo. He is doing well but it was a real shock to us all.) Then at the beginning of August I started to gain a lot of weight on my stomach, I looked pregnant which I knew I was not lol.

So I went to the Doctors and they sent me for a blood test as they though I might have a thyroid problem. The blood test came back fine, so I went back to the doctors and they sent me for an ultrasound scan.
I had the scan and got the results that I had a massive cyst in my stomach but they couldn't see where it was coming from so sent me for an MRI scan to get a better look.

I had the MRI and it was still to difficult to see where the cyst was coming from but it was decided that it was most likely ovarian so I was sent to the hospital to see a gynaecologist. She examined me and decided I needed surgery asap to get it out.

This was a very scary time as there was talk that it might turn out to be something very bad and I just couldn't take it all in - I just felt numb to it all. My Husband Martin was my rock and kept me sane for those couple of weeks of waiting for results and surgery.

So I was admitted to hospital on the 21st August 2013. I had the surgery and when I woke up I was told the amazing news that it was totally benign and just a egg that had got stuck in the ovary and turned into a cyst made up of hair, skin and bone cells. I have never been so relieved ever.

So I spent four days in the hospital and had 52 staples and quite an impressive scar running diagonally from from my chest bone to my bikini line. I was lucky that I had an epidural for the pain so my stomach was numb for the first couple of days so I felt no pain at all. When I went into hospital I weighed 10 and a half stone and when I left hospital I weighed seven and a half stone, so my doctor thinks that my cyst and the fluid was at least 2 stone if not 3 - crazy...

I am so lucky every thing turned out fine and now I am 5 weeks post surgery. I went back to see my gynaecologist last week and she was very happy with me and discharged me for the hospital. I still have to take things easy for the next couple of months and can't start running again until December but I feel so much better. I have also managed to put half a stone back on which is good because I was looking way too thin, but I still think I need to gain a bit more to feel more comfortable in myself and I want some curves back lol.

So anyway hopefully I will be back to scrapping and crafting now and feeling much more energetic and healthy.

Thanks for listening....    

Friday, 31 May 2013

First lay-out in ages.....

So I finally got down to some scrapping. It's been such a long time since I've felt like it but this sketch from 'Sarah's Cards LTD Blog' really inspired me.

So here is my take on the sketch. I used a photo of my Mum and Dad from when they first met.

Thanks for looking....

Thursday, 30 May 2013


Well firstly I should introduce myself, I'm Karen (waves), I'm 31 years old and I live in Essex, England.

I love to make things, scrapbooks, cards, sewing projects and my new love leaded glass work. I haven't been around much in the last year as I moved house and have had my supplies in storage for so long.

I used to run a scrapbooking challenge blog called Butterfly Crafts but had to stop due to the house move (we didn't have internet for 8 months). I also used to be quite good at scrapping. I was runner up in the Scrapbook Magazines 'Scrapper of the year contest 2010' and was a DT member for some great challenge blogs and kit clubs, but I haven't made a single lay-out in at least a year.....

So I think it's time to start crafting again, get my mojo back and now I really don't have any excuse as I have a beautiful new craft room ( pics to follow) to spread out all my stash and work away in.

Hopefully 2013 will be a good year and I can get back to crafting (fingers crossed).

Thanks for reading.........